Friday, 5 April 2013

Butter Chicken - a Savvy makeover for a healthy family friendly dinner

The reason this recipe is titled "Family Style" is due to the fact it was developed for large busy families that can't just pop up to the local "Indian Takeaways" .

Its a simple recipe that we've based it around canned foods to keep preparation time minimal.
The goal was to create a recipe that was child friendly too, most children tend to love butter chicken. This version isn't authentic, but saying that it does satisfy and have that comforting appeal of the takeaway version.

Serves 6

400g Chicken (boneless/skinless thighs or breasts)

A splash of Olive Oil
1 Onion finely diced
1 Clove of Garlic
1 tsp of Fresh Ginger

1 Can of Coconut Milk
1 Can of Chopped Tomatoes
1 Can of Chickpeas (optional)

1 teaspoon ground Cumin
1 teaspoon ground Coriander

1 teaspoon Chilli Powder (optional - leave out if feeding little ones)
1/2 teaspoon of Cinnamon

Chop Chicken into cubes and saute in a hot saucepan in alittle Olive oil until just browned - remove from pan and set aside.

Saute the onion in a splash of Olive oil on a medium heat until soft and clear.
Add in Garlic and Ginger and saute for 30 seconds.
Add in Cumin, Corriander and Chilli Powder (Optional) saute 20 seconds
Then add in the canned Tomatoes, Coconut Milk and Chickpeas and stir through.
Simmer gently for approx. 20 Minutes.

Serve over Brown Basmati Rice.

Savvy Tips

# Add the chicken into your pan in small batches, if you dump it all in at once you'll reduce the pan heat too quickly and your chicken won't brown and will overcook.

#  Stir through 1/2 cup of Unsweetened Greek Yoghurt prior to serving this adds a lovely creaminess and sprinkle with fresh coriander finely chopped.

# Add in sliced carrots or potatoes to the dish prior to simmering to boost the nutrition value of this meal (if your children are fussy grate in the vegetables).

# Grab out a bag of frozen green beans add them in and stir through 5 minutes prior to finishing cooking.

# Make it meat free, simply omit the chicken and add in lots of delicious veggies - Pumpkin works well, the chickpeas can will be the main protein source.

# Try stirring in a handful of baby spinach at the end of cooking also for a leafy green nutrition boost!

Nutritional Snapshot

# Chickpeas are a excellent source of Protein, making them a good meatless addition to your diet.  Also a high in fibre, including soluble fibre which can help to lower cholesterol.  A good source of minerals such as iron, copper, zinc, and magnesium. 
 *Nuritional information sourced from the internet

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